ScreenFit July class
Our debut ScreenFit July class is brought to you by Equity NZ and PISA
Available spots
Service Description
Equity New Zealand & Pacific Islands Screen Artists (PISA) presents ScreenFit Calling Equity NZ & PISA writers, actors and directors for our debut ScreenFit July class! 5 x directors, 10 x actors, and 5 x writers (and their scripts) will be chosen. Register your interest before 1200hrs Mon 12th July by emailing info@screenfitnz.com Doors open 6pm | Kick off 6.15pm | Wrap 8.15pm Wednesday 21st July 2021 Fale Sāmoa, 283 Karangahape Rd, Auckland CBD ScreenFit is a high-intensity screen workout for teams of writers, actors, and directors of all levels that improves ‘screen fitness’, increases networks and maximises the ability to work on a scene in a limited period. It’s like CrossFit, but for screen! Here’s how it works: 1. Writers, actors and directors register for ScreenFit. Writers submit a scene, synopsis, and character briefs for 2x characters. 2. 5x teams consisting of a writer, director, and 2x actors are chosen and sent the above information by Wed 14th July 2021. 3. All teams meet at the Fale Sāmoa on Wed 21st July, 6pm for a 6.15pm kickoff. 4. All teams rehearse/block their scene. 5. Each team runs a block performance of their scene to the entire group which can be filmed on one of the team member’s phone for their own team’s records. 6. A guest instructor gives quick feedback to each team. Writers / Actors / Directors register your interest via email to info@screenfitnz.com with the following (please note: 5, 6, 7 are for *writers only): 1) your name 2) phone number 3) are you a writer, director or actor? 4) which group you are a member of - Equity NZ or PISA? 5) *5 page scene script (*writers only) 6) *character descriptions x 2 (*writers only) 7) *short synopsis (*writers only). You must be a member of Equity NZ (equity.org.nz) or Pacific Islands Screen Artists (pisa.org.nz) to register. ScreenFit instructors will be there to guide you and your team and help if you need. You’ll activate your screen muscles, collaborate with different screen practitioners, and form new networks from just one ScreenFit class leaving you feeling challenged, motivated, and ready to come back for more results! Spaces are limited so register now and come and get ScreenFit with us!
Contact Details
Auckland, New Zealand